Compassion & Giving Back

The intention behind the creation of Live Healthful was always too give back. It was more than simply dabbling in the world of business, which entails selling and profit. I wanted Live Healthful to have a big impact. I sought to give back, and I saw Live Healthful as a way to help me achieve that desire. 

Live Healthful is blessed enough to partner with Compassion. God placed two sponsored children, Deladem and Luis in my path. Deladem is 6 years old raised in Ghana! Luis is 4 years old raised in Mexico!

These two beautiful children are what truly encourage me. My drive to grow Live Healthful is because Its a privilege to have the means to give back.

Its constant reminder that our financial wealth IS NOT the source of our abundance. It's ironic to see the ones who are viewed as "poor" as the most joyful people you'll ever come across. They appear to be abundant because.....

"Their poverty is not their identity it is their situation,
Jesus is their identity"


People in poverty are not any less, and nor are those who give anymore. We are all children in Christ here to help one another. I am thrilled that all of you help me support these two beautiful children monthly as well as gifts but I encourage you, that you have the power to impact someones life no matter your circumstances. 

Take a look into Compassion International and possibly sponsor a child of your own!